To me any thought of cutting spending or raising taxes when 25 million Americans are needing and wanting full time work is absurd. However, if all that is going to be done over the next 10 years is to cut spending then Ron Paul's determination to roll back wildly excessive military spending by ending the wars and all other empire building and maintenance is a much better alternative than what the President or the Republicans are offering. The fact that he is willing to do this while paying for Medicare and social security is maybe the best we can expect. Progressives need to face the reality that the president folded on taxes once and he will fold again because the he will not have the votes. All talk now is about cuts. We have to choose who is going to cut in the right places rather who will raise taxes or invest in what we need. My outlook is not optimistic but it is realistic. The sooner progressives get on board with Ron Paul's transitional fix the sooner we will be able to get a real progressive to the top of the 2016 ballot. Continue to deny that the president is anything other than a corporatist, and we get a Romney clone versus Obama and a stalemated congress for another 4 years.
This blog, written by a progressive who still hopes for change, seeks to persuade readers that the progressive agenda has been put on hold until 2016 except that by electing Ron Paul in 2012, we end endless wars and bring troops home to eventually have resources to build the peaceful green economy.
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